Catherine Meza
A registered Democrat with a career working for left-wing advocacy organizations, Catherine Meza's background adds to the overwhelming pattern of bias in the DOJ's Voting Section.
Liberal Legal Advocacy
Before taking her present position as an attorney in the Voting Section of the Department of Justice overseeing the enforcement of federal election laws, Catherine Meza held positions with organizations known for the advancement of liberal policy ideals -- including the NAACP, the ACLU, and MALDEF, according to her LinkedIn
One notable example of her legal work while serving as chief counsel for the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund was a joint letter with the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, a left-wing gun control advocacy group, to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.
In the 2020 letter to Paxton, Meza and the gun control advocates urged General Paxton to issue a public statement “reminding Texas residents that voter intimidation is a serious crime” ahead of the November election. The top example of voter intimidation given by Meza; people who are not wearing masks or observing proper social distancing guidelines.
Demonstrations Outside Polling Places Could Constitute Voter Intimidation.
Although demonstrations outside polling places often appear to be routine political activity, they may constitute unlawful voter intimidation, even if they occur outside of the 100-foot “noelectioneering zone” under Texas law. There are many aggravating factors that can make demonstrations at polling places especially concerning and increase the risk of unlawful voter intimidation:
• Failure to wear masks or observe social distancing guidelines. If voters are forced to walk near demonstrators, they may be forced to choose between their health and their right to vote.
Additionally, conservative attorneys Christian Adams and Hans von Spakovsky featured Meza in their Every Single One article in 2011. They highlighted Meza's long history of working for far-left organizations:
...Ms. Meza, who contributed $450 to Barack Obama’s presidential campaign before getting hired by the Voting Section, has a rich history of liberal advocacy. During law school at Berkeley, she interned for (i) the NAACP LDF, where she worked on voting rights and “economic justice” issues, (ii) Bay Area Legal Aid, (iii) the ACLU of Northern California, (iv) the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF), (v) Centro Legal de la Raza, and (vi) the East Bay Community Law Center Workers’ Rights Clinic. She also worked as a legislative intern for Democratic Rep. (now Sen.) Robert Menendez of New Jersey as part of a fellowship with the liberal National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials. On her resume, Meza proudly proclaims her membership in the American Constitution Society and her role as an Advisory Board Member of the Thelton Henderson Center for Social Justice. Talk about filling the whole bingo card! Meanwhile, while working a brief stint at the Fried Frank law firm after law graduation, she assisted on a pro bono case seeking to preserve the confidentiality of ID cards issued to illegal aliens by the city of New Haven, Connecticut, an effort to help illegal aliens avoid being prosecuted for violating federal law. She also helped draft a report for the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination in which she suggested that the U.S. “government’s programs and policies continue to perpetuate segregation and concentrate poverty in communities of color.”...
Another Democrat in the Voting Section
Voting records show that Meza, a resident of Washington, DC, is a registered Democrat, and had voted in Democrat primary elections on numerous occasions. With her background working to advance liberal agenda issues, accompanied by her political affiliation with the Democrat Party, Catherine Meza adds to the overwhelming trend of political bias making up the civil service positions within the Department of Justice.
1. Catherine Meza, LinkedIn.
2. Meza Letter to Ken Paxton.
3. Heritage Foundation, Every Single One, 2011
4. District of Colombia, Board of Elections.